Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are You Listening To YUMI FM & NAU FM??

Hello Fans,

Thank you so much for being such great and wonderful followers on our Fan~Page... Yes indeed, this week will be a very busy and exciting week for us, the Nation of Papua New Guinea as we gear up with preparations for the Independence Day celebrations... Identty is also excited to announce that two of the songs in the Album will be playing on air, so while you are gearing up for the big celebrations, tune in to Yumi FM and Nau FM prime time and have a listen to the songs.

Identty will inform you about the Album sales so tune in to the updates on the Fan~Page on Facebook. But in the mean time have a listen to the samples of the songs that will be played on air:

1. Song Title: Ples Mahn

2. Song Title: Simple Love

 Identty will keep you updated on the release of the album so stay tuned.

Thank Fans, One and All and have a happy and safe Independence Celebrations.